Anveo Bridge To The Cloud
The cloud is becoming an important and necessary step for more and more customers. We want to take this step together with our customers. Therefore, we have the following offer for all our customers who have already ordered an Anveo purchase license and have an active Anveo service plan:
When converting their existing Anveo purchase license with an active Anveo Service Plan to an Anveo subscription license, our customers will receive a one-time discount of 40% on the first billing period. In order to provide our customers with price stability during the upgrade period, the first billing period will be for 3 years.
During this changeover period, our customers can of course continue to use their Anveo purchase license. Only after the first billing period is further use of the purchase license no longer permitted.
The one-time discount of 40% only applies to the first billing period. Additional orders, even within the first billing period, are not eligible for discount.
There is no crediting of the Anveo service plan already paid for.
If a customer has an Anveo App or Web Portal purchase license with an unlimited number of users / Anveo Pages, the new user count / Anveo Page count will be determined from the customer’s current license value when converting to Subscription. An unlimited user license is not possible in the subscription pricing model.
If a customer has an Anveo EDI Connect Enterprise Option, the licence value of this purchase licence is the maximum amount that can be used for the Bridge To The Cloud discount.