EDI Cross-Reference Type
The cross-reference system in Anveo EDI Connect is a simple way to translate between internal and external information. There are several point where we have a combination of two fields, where one field name ends with Identification and the other one with Identification Type.
The field ending with Identification is used to store external information. The field ending with Identification Type specifies the EDI Cross-Reference Type that should be used to either set the information in the field whose name ends with Identification or retrieve internal information from that field.
In the table EDI Document the field Direction is used to determine the direction for the cross-reference.
The cross-reference system also allows the user to add missing information directly in the buffer document and store it for later use.
The system is build in a way that the translation of the values does not create any errors. This way you can directly apply cross-references on import mappings. You have to ensure that you got the required information by checking the data in the mappings.
This field is part of the primary key. A code describing the cross-reference. You can use the same code for multiple references to different tables, like GLN linked to the customer and GLN linked to a ship-to address.
This field is part of the primary key. The table this cross-reference is linked to.
A description of the cross reference type.
Defines what should happen if the user enters missing information.
Ask the user whether the value should be stores for further use.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Do not automatically create references.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
Automatically create the link, if it is missing.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
The way the cross-reference retrieves the number.
Use a lookup table from the Anveo EDI Connect module. You can directly navigate to the entries from this page.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Use a field on the target table. Like the GLN on the Customer or a similar field, which uniquely identifies the record.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
Use custom C/AL or AL programming to retrieve the correct data.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
The name of the table this cross-reference is linking to.
In case you are using a field from the target table for the lookup, this field stores the field name that should be used.
In case you are using a field from the target table for the lookup, this field stores the field number that should be used.
The caption of the related table.
The date/time this record was modified last.
Table EDI Cross-Reference
This table is used to store the relations, if the module internal cross-reference table should be used.
We only describe the fields used by the page. You should not directly modify this table.
This field is part of the primary key. Not used anymore, please leave blank.
This field is part of the primary key. The cross-reference type this entry belongs to.
The number in the Anveo EDI Connect system or Anveo EDI Connect module table.
The external number used by the EDI partner.
You can optionally assign a priority to the entry.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 4)