EDI Action
An EDI action specifies which mapping is to be used for a business transaction type in a specific action group. You can also specify options such as batch processing.
This field is part of the primary key.
This field is part of the primary key.
The action is defined for a business transaction type.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
This record defined a batch action.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
This field is part of the primary key. Depending on the Action Type this is the business transaction type code or the batch code.
You can describe the action, if required.
The communication channel that should be used for outgoing files.
Whether the data should be grouped with a batch action.
Do not group the data.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Group the data using a batch action. This can, for example, be used to just sent one file per night, instead of one per document.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
The batch action to be used, if Data Grouping is set to Use Post Batch Action.
This option is used to define how to react to a record that was already be processed. The module identifies the data set by the primary key. Changes to other fields still cause the record to be marked as a duplicate or copy.
Do not process the data again. If enabled an ignore entry is created and the error column is set to “DUPLICATE”.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Do process the data again.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
Process it again, but mark the data as copy.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
Do not process the data and do not create a business transaction.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)
Not applicable, this value is used for non-data related actions.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 4)
Defines the kind of action that should be used.
Execute a mapping.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Specifies the project code of the mapping to be used.
Specifies the format code of the mapping to be used.
Specifies the mapping code to be used.
The date/time this record was created.
The date/time this record was last modified.