Config / Business Transactions / EDI Business Transaction Type

EDI Business Transaction Type

The business transaction type defines a possible general business case. This can be, for example, an outgoing invoice or incoming orders.

This data structure is also used to define automatic data collection, for example, to find all new invoices in the system and trigger EDI actions. The business transaction type also defines how the EDI partner is determined from the business data.



This field is part of the primary key. You can use any code you want to. We recommend a descriptive code, like INVOICE_OUT, ORDERS_IN, etc.

Transaction Data Table

Depending on the Process Entry Point this field defines, which table is used for the business transaction records.

Transaction Data Table ID

This field stores the table ID of Transaction Data Table.

Reference No. Field

This field defines the field that is used as a reference number in the business transaction table. This field does not influence any processing logic, but is the main search field to find the document from the end-user perspective.

Reference No. Field No.

This is the technical field number for the field Reference No. Field.

Find Communication Partner by

Whether you can use this field depends on the Process Entry Point.


Defines that the communication partner for this EDI Business Transaction Type depends on a value from Transaction Data Table.


The communication partner is a single one for this EDI Business Transaction Type.

Relation Field Name

Defines the field that is used to find the communication partner.

Relation Field No.

Technical field no. for the field Relation Field Name.

Process Entry Point

This field defines the process entry point. The process entry point determines a lot of the other options that are available.

Table Data

The process has existing data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013R2 as the entry point. This options allows you to define automatic collection jobs.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)

Incoming Transmission

The process starts with a transmission from a communication channel.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)


The process is a subpart of another process. The Transaction Data Table does not have to be the same. This option defines that this business transaction type can only be called as a sub-process of another one.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)

Automatic Data Collection

Defines whether you want to enable automatic data collection. Please be aware that you will also need to define a job that starts the automatic collection. With this option you can define which field type is used to detect new records.


You do not want to enable automatic data collection.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)

SQL Timestamp

You track changes basing on the SQL timestamp. This is only possible with Microsoft Dynamics 2013R2 and newer. In BC 17 there was a new system field introduced, which contains the last modification date/time. We highly recommend using that with the option Date Field instead.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)

Date Field

You want to use a date field.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)

Code Field

You want to use a code field.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)

Boolean Flag

You want to use a boolean flag, false means the data is not yet exported. The field is changed automatically. This option does not work on protected system tables, like invoice headers.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 4)

All records

Always export all records. This can be useful to export, for example, all open orders. The filters from the DataView are still applied, which gives you the possibility to use custom fields or criteria.

(The integer value of this option in the database is 5)

Timespan (Past)

This option allows you to export all entries that are newer than the given timespan in the past. Fo example, if you specify “30 days” and use the “Posting Date”, the module will export all entries posted newer than 30 days is the past. If you ignore duplicates, you can check a whole timespan for new documents and only export the ones that haven’t been exported.

(The integer value of this option in the database is 6)

Debug Options

Specifies how to handle entries where the communication partner cannot be found.

Create Ignore Entries

Create entries and mark them.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)


Do not create entries in the business transaction table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)

Change Detection Field Name

Defines the field, which is used for finding new entries.

Change Detection Field No.

The technical field number for the Change Detection Field Name field.

Data Table View

Defines a table view that is applied additionally to the criteria for automatic data collection.

Last Timestamp

Stores the last timestamp. If Automatic Data Collection is set to
SQL Timestamp, a filter is applied on the data table, searching only for entries with a higher value than this one. After the job execution the last value is stored in this field.

Last Code Value

Stores the last timestamp. If Automatic Data Collection is set to Code Field, a filter is applied on the data table, searching only for entries with a higher value than this one. After the job execution the last value is stored in this field.

Last Date/Time Value

Stores the last timestamp. If Automatic Data Collection is set to Date Field, a filter is applied on the data table, searching only for entries with a higher value than this one. After the job execution the last value is stored in this field.

Created Date/Time

Stores the creation date/time of this table.

Modified Date/Time

Stores the modification date/time of this record.