Config / Data Exchange / EDI Communication Channel

EDI Communication Channel

The table EDI Communication Channel is used to define how data is sent and received. This is a setup table.

Setup a New Communication Channel

To setup a new communication channel, you have to create a new record and choose a Code. Afterwards we highly recommend to set the direction to either incoming or outgoing. You then need to select the codeunit that provides the implementation for this communication channel. Afterwards you can click on the action Configure and get the configuration options depending on the selected codeunit. You can learn more later in this chapter where we describe the available codeunits in detail.



The code can be chosen in the way you like to. This field is part of the primary key.


The direction of the data flow.


Data can be sent and received.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)


Data is received into Anveo EDI Connect.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)


Data is sent from Anveo EDI Connect to an external partner.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)


You can choose the description, like you want to.

Folder Code

Defines, which EDI Transmission Folder is used to show the transmissions to the end-user. This field may not be blank.

Codeunit ID

Selects the codeunit, which provides the technical implementation. The module provides two codeunits out-of the box: ANVEDI File Handler (with ID 5327380) and ANVEDI Remote Comm. Handler (with ID 5327381).

Codeunit Name

Read-only. Shows the name of the selected communication codeunit.


Whether the communication channel is deactivated. Deactivated channels can not execute the receive or sent action automatically.

Communication Protocol

This field is normally hidden and has to be selected from the columns manually. If this field contains a value you can react via callback events and execute special code.

This will require version 4.00 or higher.

There is one predefined value: EDITEL. This will automatically create the receive and send scripts, required by this provider.

Last Modified

The date/time the communication channel was modified last.

Use Business Transaction Type

Only available in version 4.00 or higher of the module.

Whether this communication channel should use the new business transaction concept.

Outgoing Message Numbering

This column is hidden by default. Some partners will require outgoing message numbers without gaps. If you select Auto Increment, the module will automatically create numbers for outgoing files in this channel. You can access the numbers from the mapping, by using build-in functions COMMUNICATION.GETNUMBER2 and COMMUNICATION.GETLASTNUMBER2.

Default: Do not create outgoing numbers.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)

Auto Increment

Create outgoing message numbers in this communication channel.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)

Outgoing Message No.

This column is hidden by default. The last used outgoing message number, if Outgoing Message Numbering is used.

Incoming Message Numbering

This column is hidden by default. Can be used to automatically generate incoming transmission numbers and compare them to an incoming file number

Default: No incoming message numbering.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)

Auto Increment

Activated the message numbering.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)

Incoming Message No.

This column is hidden by default. Contains the last incoming message number.

Project Code

Only used if Use Business Transaction Type is False. Selects the project code for mappings that are used to process incoming transmissions. On outgoing channels this will ensure that only mappings with this project code can sent files.

Format Code

Only used if Use Business Transaction Type is False. Selects the format code for mappings that are used to process incoming transmissions. On outgoing channels this will ensure that only mappings with this format code can sent files.

Mapping Code

Only used if Use Business Transaction Type is False. Selects the mapping code that is used to process incoming transmissions. On outgoing channels this will ensure that only a mapping with this code can sent files.

Test Flag

Whether all transmissions in this communication channel should be flagged as Test. This does by default not change the processing behaviour, you have to react to the test flag in the process logic, if you want to change the behaviour on test channels.