Requires Anveo EDI Connect version and Microsoft Dynamics 2013R2..Microsoft Dynamics Business Central V18. This codeunit is no longer supported by Business Central Online.
This codeunit allows you to send EDI messages as e-mails using the Dynamics build-in SMTP functionality. You have to configure the SMTP setup of Dynamics first.
The basic configuration like the server is done in the Dynamics internal SMTP setup. In the communication channel you can configure the sender name and sender address (your SMTP server must support multiple identities in case you want to use another sender than the one belonging to the smtp account). You can set a default recipient, which will be used in case the receiving partner has no receiver identification set.

This field is part of the primary key. This field is filled automatically.
A description of the server / settings.
A template string to build the file name for outgoing files. You can use any constant text that is valid inside file names. We support several global variables that can be used inside the filename. Because the module does not know the content of the file and the used buffer structures you cannot directly access data from the file.
The following variables are available:
The entry number of the transmission. Can be used to generate a unique filename.
Not supported in older versions. Output the reference number (document number) that is stored with the transmission. If business transactions are used it is automatically set.
The description of the transmission.
Deprecated. Alias for {Sender Partner}.
The sender partner code.
The sender partner identification.
Deprecated. Alias for {Receiver Partner}.
The receiver partner code.
The receiver partner identification.
The project of the mapping that has generated the data.
The format of the mapping that has generated the data.
The code of the mapping that has generated the data.
The year with century information, e.g. 2019.
The year, e.g. 19.
The month as two digits.
The day as two digits.
The calendar week, represented as two digits.
The quarter, represented as two digits.
The hour of the transmission creation.
The minutes of the transmission creation.
The seconds of the transmission creation.
It is possible to create custom variables via the callback functionality of the module, if you need, for example, to include a document number in the filename.
The e-amil of the sender. Depending on the SMTP server this has to belong to the SMTP account in the Dynamics SMTP Setup.
The name of the sender.
The recipient if the receiver identification is empty.
The subject, you can use the same placeholders as for the filename template.
When data is sent as an attachment you can define a static text that is sent as the body of the message. We do not support variables inside the text part.
Whether to sent the data as body or as an attachment.