ANVEDI Address/Contact
The table EDI Contact can hold incoming or outgoing contact details. This can be all contact structured data, like customer information or addresses. The table data always belong to table EDI Document.
The table name has changed in version 5.00 of the module. The table was previously named EDI Contact.
Cross-references and Value Translations
This table has a few fields, which can be used with the automatic value translations and cross-references. The External Identification can be used in combination with the External Identification Type to automatically fill the Internal No. on incoming documents. Or to fill the external information from the internal one on outgoing documents.
For the External Type, you can use value translations to get the internal one.
Foreign key to the EDI Document this contact belongs to.
Foreign key to the EDI Document this contact belongs to.
Foreign key to the EDI Document this contact belongs to.
Foreign key to the EDI Document Line this contact belongs to. This value should be zero, if the contact belongs to the document header-.
Part of the primary key of this table. The number is automatically assigned, if the “No.” is empty. All contacts are numbered for each EDI Document individually.
The type of the contact. This field has a special meaning, as some values will affect the parent EDI Document. This field also influences the lookup functionality of the Internal No. field.
Any kind of contact information. (The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 contact.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to a contact.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 customer.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the customer table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
This option value has a special meaning: The sell-to information in the EDI Document is overridden with this contact information. There should only be one contact of this type. Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 customer.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the customer table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)
This option value has a special meaning: The bill-to information in the EDI Document is overridden with this contact information. There should only be one contact of this type.
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 customer.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the customer table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 4)
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 vendor.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the vendor table. (The integer value of this option in the database is 5)
The vendor information does not update the EDI document.
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 vendor.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the vendor table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 6)
The vendor information does not update the EDI document.
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 vendor.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the vendor table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 7)
This option value has a special meaning: The ship-to information in the EDI Document is overridden with this contact information. There should only be one contact of this type.
Represents a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 ship-to address.
The field Internal No. has a table relation to the ship-to address table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 8)
Represents the supplier. This field has no special meaning or table relation.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 11)
Can be used to store an external representation of the type. For incoming documents there is a value translation available to automatically set the Type field.
Value translation used for incoming documents to set the Type field from the External Type field information.
Used to store the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 internal number. Depending of the value of the Type field, a lookup is available.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. Can be used to store the external identification of the contact.
Cross-reference type to automatically find the Internal No. from the external one on imports, and vice versa on exports.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. Can be used to store the type of the External Identification field information. Can be used in combination with the External Id.Agency Translation field, to automatically set the External Identification Type cross-reference.
This field can be set to a value translation to to translate the External Id.Agency to an External Identification Type.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 13.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 35.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 35.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field of length 4.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 250.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 100.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 250.
Do not use. FlowField used internally to allow the lookup of ship-to adresses.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
With this option field, you can control, whether Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 data should be used to fill missing information in this table.
Do not automatically fill any information. All information has to be set from the mapping, or by using cross-references and value translations. (The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
Do fill out missing information from internal Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 data, if available. (The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
Override any data with the system internal values, if available. (The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
Used internally to determine whether data is set from system values or manually. Do not modify.