ANVEDI Document
This table is intended to hold data that is structured as header and line data. Typical example are sales orders, warehouse documents and others. This table is structured like the sales header in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 Classic. With a few exceptions, fields in this table does not have a table relation or validation logic. The main idea is to be able to import data, even if there is no corresponding master data. The few fields with validation logic are build in a way, that they do not throw errors.
The table name has changed in version 5.00 of the module. The table was previously named EDI Document.
Field Use
The fields can be used in any way that suits your process needs. We highly recommend to check the field data type and length. Please document, if you’re using a field where the name does not correspond to the data. It is also possible to extend the table or to use custom buffer tables, in case the table does not match your requirements.
There is a secondary table called EDI Additional Information, which can be used to store any additional data in a structured way.
Please be aware that not all fields are available in the page. If the information is important, please make sure that the field is available and visible to the end-user.
This field is part of the primary key of this table. This fields represents the document type of the document. The option values are not identical to the sales header / purchase header and cannot be transferred directly. It is an Option field with the following values:
A sales or purchase quote. (The integer value in the database is 0)
A sales or purchase order. (The integer value in the database is 1)
A sales or purchase invoice. (The integer value in the database is 2)
A sales or purchase credit memo. (The integer value in the database is 3)
A sales or purchase blanket order. (The integer value in the database is 4)
A sales or purchase return order. (The integer value in the database is 5)
A sales or purchase shipment. (The integer value in the database is 8)
A sales or purchase receipt. (The integer value in the database is 9)
A sales or purchase order response. (The integer value in the database is 14)
A sales or purchase order change. (The integer value in the database is 15)
A sales or purchase instruction to despatch. (The integer value in the database is 18)
A sales or purchase invoice list. (The integer value in the database is 23)
A sales or purchase just-in-time delivery. (The integer value in the database is 27)
A consignment. (The integer value in the database is 28)
A package. (The integer value in the database is 29)
A packaging position. (The integer value in the database is 30)
An inventory report. (The integer value in the database is 34)
A sales report. (The integer value in the database is 35)
Catalog data. (The integer value in the database is 38)
A remittance advice. (The integer value in the database is 39)
A technical acknowledgement. (The integer value in the database is 40)
This field is part of the primary key of this table. It is a Code field of length 20. The number is assigned automatically, if it is empty. If you import more than one record, you should reset the number explicitly to get a new number. You can configure the way the number is assigned in the EDI Setup.
This field is part of the primary key of this table. It is an Integer field. The version number allows you to have multiple versions of the same document. This is used in combination with the Status field. You can release a document and make it thereby read-only. If the user wants to change a value he has to reset the status, which will create a new version.
The direction is for information only. We recommend setting this field from the mapping.
The data is outgoing from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 Classic to an external partner. (The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
The data is sent by an external partner to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 Classic. (The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
Represents the status of the document. This field is not set automatically. To see the status of the EDI workflow, we recommend using business transactions instead.
The document is open and can be modified. (The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
The document is released and read-only. (The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
The document is processed and the status cannot be changed anymore. New versions cannot be created from a processed document.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
The status is ignored. The document is read-only.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)
There is a new version of the document available. The document is read-only.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 6)
This field accepts any value. On incoming documents, it can be used in combination with the field External Document Type Trans. to set the Document Type from an external value automatically.
Specifies a value translation that translates the External Document Type field to the
Document Type.
This field can be used together with the next fields to specify the source for an outgoing EDI Document. This field has to be set from the mapping manually.
There is no special source table.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
The EDI Document is created from a sales header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
The EDI Document is created from a purchase header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
The EDI Document is created from a sales archive header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)
The EDI Document is created from a purchase archive header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 4)
The EDI Document is created from a sales shipment header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 10)
The EDI Document is created from a sales invoice header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 11)
The EDI Document is created from a sales credit memo header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 12)
The EDI Document is created from a sales return header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 13)
The EDI Document is created from a purchase receipt.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 18)
The EDI Document is created from a purchase invoice header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 19)
The EDI Document is created from a purchase credit memo header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 20)
The EDI Document is created from a return shipment header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 21)
The EDI Document is created from a warehouse receipt header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 26)
The EDI Document is created from a warehouse shipment header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 27)
The EDI Document is created from a warehouse activity header.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 28)
Can be used to store the system document type, if applicable.
Can be used to store the source system document number. This field has a lookup defined to the system tables specified above.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field. This field is used for the automatic “in days” fields of this table and need to be filles, before setting other date fields. The module will not automatically calculate those values, but also don’t throw errors, if this field is empty.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field. If the Document Date is set, the field Pmt. Discount Date (in Days) is calculated automatically from this field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Integer field.
If the Document Date is set, the field Pmt. Discount Date is calculated automatically from this field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Integer field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64.
This field can be used in any way. This is a DateTime field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Option field.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Option field.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Time field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Date field.
If the Document Date is set, the field Due Date (in Days) is calculated automatically from this field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Decimal field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Integer field.
If the Document Date is set, the field Due Date is calculated automatically from this field.
A cross-reference type to link the Location Identification and Location Code.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. An external number to get the location code.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64.
Warning there is a similar field Sender No..
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. While this field has no logic, it is intended to store a code which you can use in exports or imports to customize the behaviour. For example, to implement different versions of the interface.
This field is not filled automatically. It is not used internally.
This field is not filled automatically. It is not used internally.
Deprecated. This is a FlowField. Read-only.
The creation date/time. Is automatically set from the insert trigger.
Deprecated Fields
The following fields are removed in version 5.00 of the module and are not available anymore. If you want to update an existing system and you’re using the FOB-Version of the module, you can keep the old buffer tables. If you’re using the Extension you might want to add some of the fields back using a custom extension.
In new projects we recommend to use the EDI Address/Contact and EDI Additional Information to store the information.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. Warning, there is a similar field called Sender.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a DateFormula field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a DateFormula field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Boolean field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10.
A cross-reference type to link the Sell-to Identification and Sell-to Customer No..
External identification of the sell-to contact.
A cross-reference type to link the Bill-to Identification and Bill-to Customer No..
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. The external identification of the bill-to customer.
A cross-reference type to link the Ship-to Identification and Ship-to Code.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. An external number to identify the ship-to address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Integer field.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Sell-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Bill-to Customer.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 10. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 30. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50. This field will be overridden, if there is an EDI Contact of type Ship-to Address.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 50.
Deprecated. Does not provide any cross-reference logic.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Text field of length 64. External number to identify the affiliate.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Code field of length 20.
This field can be used in any way. This is a Option field.
(The integer value of this option in the database is 0)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 1)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 2)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 3)
(The integer value of this option in the database is 4)
This field is not filled automatically. It is not used internally.
This field is not filled automatically. It is not used internally.
This field is not filled automatically. It is not used internally.
This field is not filled automatically. It is not used internally.