Backup and Transport
We recommend that you make regular backups of the mappings. Especially in the time when you get to know the module, backups give you the opportunity to try something out and at the same time have the certainty that you can return to an old working state.
You can import Anveo backups into any other system and use them, for example, to transport tests to live systems. Anveo allows you to import backups from older versions, but not from newer module versions to older module versions. The Dynamics version is irrelevant for the transport of mappings.
Starting with module version 4.00 we’ve introduces new transport functionalities. If you’re coming from an older version, you can import your old backups using the new functionality.
Create a Backup
To create a backup, please start the page EDI Configuration Data Export. You can find the page in the menu at:
Departments - Administration - Application Setup - Anveo EDI - Settings - EDI Configuration Data Export
You can select the data you want to export by highlighting the rows you want to export. You can also apply filters to this page to limit the data that you want to export. Afterwards click on Export to create the backup file.
Import a Backup/Transport file
To import data from a backup file, please open page EDI Configuration Data Import. You can find the page in the menu at:
Departments - Administration - Application Setup - Anveo EDI - Settings - EDI Configuration Data Import
Select the file you want to import. You can afterwards choose, which parts you want to import and which data you want to skip.