Config / Mappings / Working with Commands

Working with Commands

Anveo EDI Connect offers a special mapping line Type named Command.

After selecting the line type, you can specify which command you want to use. Some converter offer special commands, which are discussed on the converter page.

The following commands are available in most converters:


Exit the processing of the current mapping.

Warning while this will exit the mapping without an error this will not gracefully end the mapping, for example, data that is not yet written will not be stored in the database. Use with caution.


Reports a processing error and abort the processing.


The multi-language enabled error message. You can use the following placeholders inside the text for the following the values: %1, %2, %3.

Value 1

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %1 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 2

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 3

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Error Type

The type of the error. You can choose between:


Throw the error and exit the mapping.

Error (Continue)

Log the error and continue execution to search for other errors as well.

Error Code

This is only visible as an advanced property. A code to identify the error. This can, for example, be used to filter the log for specific error codes.

Register On Table

This is only visible as an advanced property. A table instance to register this error to. The error has to be a child mapping line of the table instance.

User Can Accept Error

Whether the user can accept the error.


Compares two values whether they are equal or not.

Compare Type

Defines what kind of check should be executed.


The two given values should be equal. Raise an error, if not.

Not Equal

The values should not be equal. Raise an error if they are the same.

Not Blank

The given value should contain a value. Raise an error, if it is blank.

Less or Equal

The first value should be less or equal to the second value. Raise an error, if not.


The first value should be less than the second value. Raise an error, if not.

Greater or Equal

The first value should be greater or equal to the second value. Raise an error, if not.


The first value should be greater than the second value. Raise an error, if not.

Value 1

A SourceExpr for a value to be used in the check. Use %1 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 2

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the check. Value 2 is not always available. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Error Text

A multi-language text to describe the error. You can use %1 and %2 as placeholders for Value 1 and Value 2.

Error Type

What kind of error should be raised, if the test is not successful.


Break processing with error.

Error (Continue)

Report error but continue processing to catch other errors as well.


Report warning, continue processing.


Log as information and continue processing.

Error Code

This is only visible as an advanced property. A code to identify the error. This can, for example, be used to filter the log for specific error codes.

Register On Table

This is only visible as an advanced property. A table instance to register this error to. The error has to be a child mapping line of the table instance.


Reports a warning.


The multi-language enabled log message text. You can use the following placeholders inside the text for the following the values: %1, %2, %3.

Value 1

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %1 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 2

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 3

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Error Code

This is only visible as an advanced property. A code to identify the error. This can, for example, be used to filter the log for specific error codes.

Register On Table

This is only visible as an advanced property. A table instance to register this error to. The error has to be a child mapping line of the table instance.


Reports an information.


The multi-language enabled log message text. You can use the following placeholders inside the text for the following the values: %1, %2, %3.

Value 1

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %1 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 2

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 3

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Error Code

This is only visible as an advanced property. A code to identify the error. This can, for example, be used to filter the log for specific error codes.

Register On Table

This is only visible as an advanced property. A table instance to register this error to. The error has to be a child mapping line of the table instance.


Logs a debug information.


The multi-language enabled log message text. You can use the following placeholders inside the text for the following the values: %1, %2, %3.

Value 1

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %1 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 2

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Value 3

A SourceExpr for a value to be used inside the error text. Use %2 inside the text to refer to this value.

Error Code

This is only visible as an advanced property. A code to identify the error. This can, for example, be used to filter the log for specific error codes.

Register On Table

This is only visible as an advanced property. A table instance to register this error to. The error has to be a child mapping line of the table instance.