Config / Tables for Setup / EDI Setup

EDI Setup

The table EDI Setup is used to store the global preferences of the Anveo EDI Connect module. You have to configure at least the licensing settings before you can use the module. All other options have default values. You can start to use the module and change them later if you need to.

The setup of Anveo EDI Connect is company specific. If you use a setup with multiple companies, you have to configure the Anveo EDI Connect module in each company separately.

Importing a new License Key

  • Open the EDI Setup window:
Departments - Administration - Application Setup - Anveo EDI - Settings - EDI Setup
  • Go to the License tab

For Anveo EDI Connect 5.3.0 and newer: If you’re using a subscription license or want your license to automatically update, set the “License Management” to “Managed by Anveo Server”.

Close and open the page again and click on the action “Update License”. This will ask the Anveo license server for a new license for your system. It will also issue an “Anveo Instance” name, which will help to identify your system. Probably there is no license assigned to you yet and you get the message to contact our sales team. When you contact our sales team, please give them the “Anvo Instance” name, so that they can issue and assign the license to your system. You can update the license with the same button afterwards.

The system will automatically try to update the license before it is expiring. If you upgrade your existing license you can use the same button to get the updated license, but in that case we cannot push new license automatically to your system.

If you do not let the Anveo license server manage your license, you have to enter the license key manually.

  • Enter the new license key in the license key field. If the key is valid all license values in the tab will be filled automatically.

The following information is for version 4.00 and newer. If you are using an older version of Anveo EDI Connect, please change the version above.

If the field Licensed Company Filter is editable your license is issued for more than one company. In this case you’ll have to fill the field with the values provided with your license. If the field is not editable, the license is either not company specific (you will see the value @*) or is bound to a specific company name. The module will check the company name during runtime only.

If the module already registered an invalid license, you will need to close the Dynamics Window and log in again after setting a new key.

If you get a license error, please have a look at Troubleshooting Licensing.

Configuration Options


Current Version

This will display the installed module version. Please include this information into support requests.

Message Storage

Specifies where internal EDI data is stored. Usually this is set to Database, meaning the data is stored inside the database and also included in database backups. Changing this to
File System will store new data in a location specified by Storage Path. This setting does not affect data exchange with other partners. This setting is for the internal storage only. Storing data in the file system is only supported in on-premise installations.

Storage Path

Specifies where to store the data, if Message Storage is set to File System. This path has to be accessible from the ServiceTier.

Deactivate Cache

Anveo EDI Connect has an internal caching mechanism, which will reduce the SQL queries and move load from the SQL server to the ServiceTier. Depending on the setup deactivating this will be faster or slower. Deactivating the option will increase the statement count by several magnitudes.

Global Error Handling

Global error handling is disabled by default. If you want to get notified on each error in the EDI processing, you can change the option to Default Text. The next field Send EDI Errors via selects an EDI Communication Channel, which is used to send the error messages. Using an SMTP channel it is possible to get notified on errors via email.

Job Queue Error Handling

This field is used to specify how the ANVEDI Job Handler should handle errors. The options are:

Collect (Report first Error)

Run the job and, if specified, post-processings. If there were errors in any of the steps, report the first error back to the job system of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 RTC.

Collect (Always Succeed)

This option means that the ANVEDI Job Handler should always return success to the job system of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 RTC.

Job Queue Descriptions

This field is deprecated and not used anymore. It will is removed in Anveo EDI Connect 4.00.07.

Mapping Versioning Mode

Versioning is an enterprise functionality and requires a valid enterprise license. This feature is not available before Anveo EDI Connect Version 4.00.

Anveo EDI Connect supports three versioning modes:

No Versioning

There can only be one version per mapping. This is the default option.


You can have multiple versions of mappings. Planning of go-lives, publishing etc. is supported. There is no protection of published mappings against modifications.


Each mapping has to be published, before it can be executed. A once published mapping cannot be modified and you have to create a new version.

You can learn more about versioning in the chapter Mapping Versioning.


Auto Post-Process

Whether you want to start post-processings automatically.

Run automatically

Run all post-processings automatically. This is the recommended default setting.

Run manually / Custom jobs

Do not run them automatically.

Default Sell-To Id.Type

You can specify fallback settings, for the EDI Document buffer table. We recommend setting the values directly in the mapping.

Default Bill-To Id.Type

You can specify fallback settings, for the EDI Document buffer table. We recommend setting the values directly in the mapping.

Default Ship-To Id.Type

You can specify fallback settings, for the EDI Document buffer table. We recommend setting the values directly in the mapping.


The EDI Document buffer table does not use the default number series management, to not interfere with system processes by locking the number series over a longer period of time. In this section you can specify how the primary key for the EDI Document buffer table is generated.

No. Assignment

You can choose from the following options:


Use the same number series for all documents.

Separate Incoming & Outgoing

You different numbers for incoming and outgoing documents. You have to ensure that the direction is set before the insert trigger is called.

EDI Document Starting No.

Specifies the starting number for simple numbering.

EDI Document Ending No.

Specifies the ending number for simple numbering.

EDI Doc. Inc Start No.

Specifies the starting number for incoming documents.

EDI Doc. Inc Ending No.

Specifies the ending number for incoming documents.

EDI Doc. Out Start No.

Specifies the starting number for outgoing documents.

EDI Doc. Out Ending No.

Specifies the ending number for outgoing documents.

PDF Settings (ZUGFeRD)

The following settings are only required if you’re using the ZUGFeRD extension. There is a separate license that has to be purchased and setup using an external license manager.

PDF Library Path

Path to the installation of the PDF libraries. This is the base path, not containing the x86 or amd64 part. After changing this setting you’ll have to restart the ServiceTier.


License Key

Please enter the license key that you got from your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 RTC partner or Anveo. After entering a key, the license information fields will be filled automatically. You can get more information on how to import a license at the top of this chapter.

If you get a license error, please have a look at Troubleshooting Licensing.

License Model

This field is read-only. The license model is automatically determined from the entered license key. The possbile options are:


The license is a test or development license. This license type cannot be used for automated background processings.


The license is a normal purchase license. If the license has an expiry date it is only issued temporarily, because Anveo is awaiting the payment. Final perpetual licenses do not have an expiry date.


The license is a subscription license. The license will expire at the end of the subscription payment period. You can find the expiration date in the field
License Expiry Date. You will get a new key in advance, if the subscription is still active.

EDI Mappings

This field is read-only. The values are automatically determined from the license key. This field indicates the count of licensed EDIFACT/X12 mappings.

CSV/Text Mappings

This field is read-only. The values are automatically determined from the license key. This field indicates the count of licensed TEXT mappings.

XML Mappings

This field is read-only. The values are automatically determined from the license key. This field indicates the count of licensed XML mappings.

License Expiry Date

This field is read-only. This field indicates whether the license is only valid until a specific date. You cannot process EDI messages after the expiry date.

Service Plan Expiry Date

This field is read-only. This field indicates the end of the service plan. You’ll need a license with a service plan expiry date after the release date of the Anveo EDI Connect version that you are using.

NAV Serial Number (End-user)

This field is read-only. This field holds the last license number of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 RTC that was used without extended developer rights. This information is only used in combination with the Partner License Key.

Used NAV Serial No.

This field is read-only. This field shows the currently used license number of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 RTC. This information has to match the license from the License Key field.

There is one exception: If the Dynamics NAV partner temporary changes the license to his developer license you will see that number here. If this number corresponds to a valid Partner License Key, the License Key is checked against the NAV Serial Number (End-user) field.

Company Name

This field is read-only. This field shows the current company name. This field has to match the entered license key.

Licensed Company Filter

From version 4.00 upwards this field is only editable, if the value is required. You have to enter a value, if your license if issued to a company name containing an “@”, “*” or “?” character. In all other cases this field has to be empty. The special value “@*” is automatically recognized by Anveo EDI Connect 4.00 and newer.

Partner License Key

This field is only visible, if you show more fields. The partner license key is only required, if the partner want to import a development license and access the EDI mappings at the same time during development. This key is available to Anveo partners only.

Partner License Expiry Date

This field is only visible, if you show more fields. This field is read-only. The value is determined from the Partner License Key . If the partner license is expired it is not used anymore, but it does not affect the customer’s license.

Company Information

Global Location Number (GLN)

You can specify the GLN which is used by the COMPANYINFORMATION functions. This value have a higher priority than the field in the company information table of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 RTC. It is mainly intended for systems with database versions or language customizations that do not provide a GLN field in the default setup tables.


The fields in this group are for information only.