Operator | Description | Example |
= | Set value | myIntegerValue = 10; |
== | equal | thisIsTrue = (‘A’ == ‘A’); |
∼= | not equal | thisIsTrue = (‘A’ ~= ‘B’); |
< | smaller | thisIsTrue = 2 < 3; |
<= | smaller or equal | thisIsTrue = 2 <= 3; |
> | larger | thisIsTrue = 3 > 2; |
>= | larger or equal | thisIsTrue = 3 >= 2; |
not | logical NOT | thisIsTrue = not false; |
and | logical AND | thisIsTrue = true and (not false); |
or | logical OR | thisIsTrue = true or false; |
.. | Add text | NewText = Variable1 .. ‘ is added to ‘ .. Variable 2; |