Print a barcode on the PDF at the current position.
PDFBarcode(string BarcodeText,
string BarcodeType);
//Capital letters and numbers only
//Small and capital letters
PDFBarcode('Test 1','PdfCode128BBarcode');
PDFBarcode('001234567890 ','PdfEan13Barcode');
Supported Barcode types are:
- PdfCode39Barcode
- PdfCode128ABarcode
- PdfCode128BBarcode,
- PdfEan128Barcode,
- PdfEan13Barcode,
- PdfEan8Barcode,
- PdfIsbnBarcode,
- PdfIssnBarcode,
- PdfUpcaBarcode,
- PdfUpceBarcode
- PdfQrBarcode
The size of the barcode cannot be changed.Some Barcodes allow numbers or capital letters only, or may require a specific length.