Data Clean Up / Maintenance Jobs / Performance Optimizaion
This page contains very important information on maintenance tasks you must set up for all installations. Please consult this documentation carefully. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
We highly recommend to set up these automatic clean up tasks and run them at least once a week. If the data is not cleaned up, the server performance may get very slow and may also result in a full-stop of your hole Microsoft Dynamics system. Please note that is also required to identify and delete unused devices manually.
Clean Up Sending and Receiving Tasks
The function Clean up tasks on the page Anveo Setup allows you to clean up incoming and outgoing messages for mobile devices. This deletes the already processed tasks only. If devices synchronize multiple times over a long period of time, cleaning up the tasks can improve system performance considerably.
Set Up the Automatic Clean Up in the Job Queue
To automate the cleanup of the ACF Receiving Task Header and ACF Sending Task Header tables, create a new Job Queue Entry that starts codeunit 5327201 ACF Jobs. Set the Parameter String value to “CleanUpAnveoTasks“, choose the desired interval and time for the job to be executed and click “Set Status to Ready”.
Only tasks with status “Processed OK” or “Error Checked” will be deleted, up to the first task of Type Data or up to the first task within the defined number of days for which tasks should be kept in the database. This can be set in the Anveo Setup, the default value is 7 days.
It is very important to regularly check errors of incoming data and either reprocess them or mark them as checked, otherwise they will never be cleaned up and the amount of data will increase.
Clean Up SQL Delta Tables
The function Clean up SQL delta tables on the page Anveo Setup cleans up the Anveo delta tables in your system.
The Anveo delta tables store the changes to the records for each table so that they can be synchronized with the devices. There is a corresponding Anveo delta table for each of the tables used in the synchronization package.
Cleaning up the data deletes all entries that were made before the last action of the oldest device. Since the oldest device has to access the entries in the Anveo delta tables to synchronize, this restriction must be made by the function.
This means that the mobile devices should be checked before executing the function. For this purpose, the devices whose last action is older than one month can be checked in the Anveo device overview under Inactive Devices on the RoleCenter Elemet ACF Anveo Device Overview.
Note that deleted devices cannot synchronize again and all data that has not yet been synchronized is lost on the device. It is therefore important to check beforehand whether the device is still in use. If a device from the list of inactive devices is still needed, the last action of this device can also be updated by a synchronization.
After checking the devices, the function Clean up SQL delta tables on the page Anveo Setup can be executed.
Set Up the Automatic Clean Up in the Job Queue
To automate the clean up of the SQL tables used by the Anveo Delta Server, create a new Job Queue Entry that starts codeunit 5327201 ACF Jobs. Set the Parameter String value to “CleanupDeltaServerTables”, choose the desired interval and time for the job to be executed and click Set Status to Ready.
For this to work effectively, make sure to delete Anveo User Devices that are no longer used. The SQL tables will only be cleaned up to the point of the oldest synchronization.