Conditional Visibility
This tab gives you the posibility to further specify under what conditions a checklist template line or checkliste template line group will be visible.
Conditional Visibility Line No.
Checklist Template Line No. the conditional visibility is based on.
Conditional Visibility Condition Type
Type of condition (in conjunction with the condition value). The options available are:
- Is: Value of the row is equal to the condition value.
- Is not: Value of the row is not equal to the condition value.
- Less than: Value of the row is less than the condition value.
- Greater than: Value of the row is greater than the condition value.
- Contains at least one of the following: Value of the row contains at least one of the texts listed in the condition value (texts separated by |).
- Contains none of the following: Value of the row contains none of the texts listed in the condition value (texts separated by |).
- Contains the following string: Value of the row contains the text specified in the condition value.
- Does not contain the following string: Value of the row does not contain the text specified in the condition value.
- Range: Value of the row falls within the range of two values defined in the condition value (e.g., 12..19).
- Group: Not used.
Condition Value
The value of the condition to be checked.