Adjust Anveo Pages Dynamically
When setting up an Anveo Page, all information related to the appearance of the fields is static and does not change. Per code, the appearance of a Anveo Page can be modified at run time, e.g. colorize fields under certain conditions, highlight or replace field contents with small icons.
Any dynamic change in an Anveo Page can increase its load time.

The following functions of codeunit ACF Style are available for dynamics adjustments of an Anveo Page in the Anveo Web Portal:
Sets the condition of dynamic adjustments with a logical expression.
Sets the text color of the field contents. The color can be either a keyword such as ”Red” or as a hexadecimal number such as #FF0000.
Sets the background color of the field contents. The color can be either a keyword such as ”Red” or as a hexadecimal number such as #FF0000.
Sets the border color of a field. The color can be either a keyword such as ”Red” or as a hexadecimal number such as #FF0000.
Sets the border style of an field. Possible values are: none, dotted, dashed, solid, double.
Sets whether not a border will appear around the field. Possible values are: true, false.
Sets the alignment of the text within a field. Possible values are: left, right, center.
Sets the indentation of the text within a field.
Sets the weight of the font in a field. Possible values are: bold, bolder, lighter, normal.
Sets the font size of a field.
Sets whether not a border will appear around the image. Possible values are: true, false.
If the name of an image is specified, this will appear in the field. You an get the possible values using a lookup in the field Icon Description in a menu.
Sets the position of an image. Possible values are: left, right, center.
Sets the visibility of a field. Possible values are: true, false.
Sets whether the field is editable or not. Possible values are: true, false.
A lot of functions in the codeunit for example TextColor or BackgroundColor need two parameters. The function describes the property name of the field that is to be changed. The first parameter of the function is the value to be set when the logical expression SetCondition on the preceding page evaluates to ”false”. Otherwise, the value is set in the second parameter. If a parameter is empty, no change is made, or the property to set, as it was defined in the definition of Anveo Page.
Note that not all parameters are displayed correctly in all possible browsers.