Anveo Mobile App / Customize the User Interface / App Process Definition by Anveo Script

App Process Definition by Anveo Script

What is Anveo Script?

You can use Anveo Script to customize the user interface of the client and the business logic for the Anveo Mobile App. These scripts can be used for individual table relations and actions. Anveo Script is based on the Lua scripting language and provides functions that are similar on names and the syntax of C/AL commands in Dynamics.

Where to define Anveo Script?

In an Action Code, you can access and edit the Anveo Script using the function ”Script”. On the Form/Page of Anveo Script on top you see the source code of the script, below are the libraries.

Organize Your Code Using Libraries

Libraries are actions of type ”Library”, which provide functions and can be used by your Anveo Script. So you can use a function in a series of actions, without having to program them every time again.

For a complete list of all commands that are available in Anveo Script, see our Anveo Script Documentation.

Table Triggers

Along with actions and individual table relations you can replicate the functionality of table triggers in Anveo Script. This makes it possible to replicate the Dynamics business logic very detailed. You can use the trigger of the Anveo Client Suite ”OnInsert”, ”OnModify”, ”OnDelete”, ”OnRename” and ”OnValidate”. All triggers are invoked exactly as their equivalent to Dynamics.

The assignment of Anveo Script to a table trigger is done in the setup of the Anveo Client Suite in ”Mobile. In Anveo Script you can call the table trigger using the table functions ”INSERT(TRUE)” and so on – just like in Dynamics.

External Editor (Optional)

You can edit Anveo Script directly in your Web, Windows or Classic Client of Dynamics. A special developer license from Microsoft or Microsoft Visual Studio is not required.

You will not need any additional software to edit Anveo script, but the internal editor does not offer any syntax checks. This is why we offer to edit Anveo Script via an external editor like Visual Studio Code, ZeroBrane or Notepad++.

Simply set up path and filename of your external editor in ”Anveo in the  ”Mobile. If you work with more than one developer on the same project, folder + filename must be identical for all users. If the external editor cannot be found on a system, we will still open the internal editor as a fall-back automatically.

Simply press save in your external editor and the updated action code will be imported into Dynamics automatically. It is requried to keep your Web or Windows Client open all the time. If you close the Windows Client, you have to re-open your action codes in the external editor through the Web or Windows Client again to reactivate the automatic import.