Creating search masks

You can use Virtual Tables in lists in the Anveo Web Portal to create search masks, in which you can set filter on the data shown in the list. You can find an example for search masks e.g. in the core application on the Anveo Page with code CONTACT_SEARCH (contact search).

If you want to create own search masks, do the following:

  • Define a Virtual Table based on that table you want to set filter on. Add all the fields you want to show on the search mask.
  • Add to your Anveo Page list a new Anveo Page Element of type card. Your new Anveo Page Element should be on the top of the Anveo Page.
  • Enter in the field Virtual Table Code the code of your previously defined virtual table. Add all fields you want to set filter on.
  • Enter in the field Custom TableRelation on the Anveo Page Element type list on the second position the value VIRTUALFILTER().

The table relation VIRTUALFILTER() is an internal table relation of the Anveo Client Suite. This relation gives you the opportunity to apply filters through the fields of a Virtual Table on the real table, in which the content of the virtual fields is applied as a filter on the respective linked real table fields.

Note that this is only possible if the Virtual Table is associated with a real table from Dynamics, i.e. if the Virtual Table has a value in the field Linked Table not equal to 0.