Anveo Web Portal / Customize the User Interface / Filtering in Synchronization Packages

Filtering in Synchronization Packages

Static Filters

Filter Syntax


0 for No, 1 for Yes


Integer value of option value beginning with 0 for first option value


Fixed syntax Year-Month-Day: YYYY-MM-DD


Fixed syntax Hours:Minutes:Seconds: HH:MM:SS

An apostrophe (inverted comma) must be escaped with a second apostrophe.


The Anveo Delta Server support simple operators like greater than ”>”, greater than or equal to ”>=”, smaller than < and smaller than, equal to <= or not equal to ”<>”. You can also use the typical syntax from Dynamics with two points from value .. to value.

As Boolean operators please use and & and or |.

Complex structures using brackets are not supported. In case you need a complex filter, please add the same tables multiple times to your Synchronization Package. 

User-dependent filters

In addition to the filters, you can set up in the user interface using the function Edit Filter, you can also use filters, which depend on the relation type and relation code of the Anveo User (see Anveo User Properties). In this way it is possible to only transfer the data to a Anveo User’s device, which he is allowed to see.

Simple Filter Based On Anveo User

For example you can set in the field No. of table Customer the following filter: %CUSTOMER

Complex Filter Based On Anveo User

If you want to combine a dynamic with a static filter, you can enter the following:
If the Anveo User has the relation type Customer, the part between %IFCUSTOMER and %END will be evaluated in the filter and additionally appended. The variable %CUSTOMER depicts the value of the relation code of the Anveo User. If the Anveo User has the relation type Customer and the relation code 30000, the filter defined above will be evaluated to:
In another relation type of the filter evaluates to:

Overview Of User Based Filters

You can use the following keywords for user-dependent filters in synchronization packages:


relation type = user


relation type = customer


relation type = vendor


relation type = contact


relation type = salesperson/purchaser


relation type = employee


relation type = resource


relation type = responsibility center


relation type =  Custom 1


like Custom 1


to filter on Anveo User code

Date Filter For Ledger Entry Tables

Dynamic Date Filter

To optimize the amount of data of ledger entry tables like Customer Ledger Entry, you can define a dynamic date filter on the Posting Date field. This allows you to limit the data for example to the last three months only.

%-30D.. for the last thirty days until today
%-3M.. for the last three months until today

The following values are supported:
Days D, Months M, Weeks W, Quarters Q, Years Y, Hours H, Minutes MI, Seconds S and current date TODAY.

Static Date Filter

A static date filter can be set using the following syntax:

2014-08-01..2014-08-31 for August 2014
2014-09-01.. for from September 1st, 2014 until today