Opening any URL
The Anveo Client Suite allows the opening of any URL in the client environment. Use the functions HYPERLINK or ”OpenURL” in codeunit ACF Management, if you want to open a URL and the underlying content should be displayed in an Anveo Page or if the URL is shorter than 1024 characters. For longer URLs or other representations, use the function ”OpenURLExtended” instead. In the first two parameters of the function you can enter the URL, which consists of two 1024-character text and get concatenated in the call. The last parameter of the function sets the behavior opening the URL.
Following options are possible:
- Internal window: URL is displayed in a Anveo Page (default)
- New window with defined size without navigation: Opens a new browser window without address bars
- New window with defined size with navigation: Opens a new browser window with address bar
- New window fullscreen without navigation: Opens a new browser window with maximum size and without address bar
- New window fullscreen with navigation: Opens a new browser window with maximum size and address bar
Internet Explorer, Chrome and FireFox recognize the new window as a popup. The popup blocker may prevent the appearance of that new window and should be deactivated if required.
Chrome may not show the address bar, even if the display is explicit required.