Set-up Synchronization Packages
The setup of synchronization packages in the Anveo Client Suite can be done on the Synchronization Packages page. Each synchronization package has a Code which is the unique identifier. On the card of a synchronization package the following properties can be set:
In the field Company you can enter the company from which the table data for the synchronization package will be exported. If you leave the field blank, all data from all companies to which a Anveo User has access will be exported.
The field Active indicates whether the synchronization package is active or not. Using the functions Activate and Deactivate you can modify the status of the synchronization package. The activation results in the synchronization package is not editable, and the following changes to each table that is located within the synchronization package:
- The tables are published to the Anveo Delta Server; Changing, deleting and inserting records in Dynamics is automatically logged.
- The primary keys of the tables are not editable; Primary keys of such tables can only be changed if all synchronization packages containing this table are disabled.
- Fields that are included in an activated synchronization package, cannot be removed or cannot be changed its data type.
- Tables in an activated synchronization package cannot be deleted or the property
Data Per Company cannot be changed.
These changes are possible again only when all synchronization packages are disabled, in which tables and fields are included.
Synchronization a user’s Anveo Web Portal is not possible if you have assigned him a disabled synchronization package.
In the field Table No., you can indicate the number of the table from Dynamics, which is transmitted in the synchronization package.
A check mark in the field Has Relation indicates that there is a relation from one table to the superordinate table. Through the indentation of the tables, table data hierarchies can be constructed, such as in the synchronization package SALES TABLES in which the table Contact Business Relation is subordinate of the table SALES TABLES that are assigned to a customer. Contact business relations without associated customer are not sent to the mobile device. The relation between two tables in a synchronization package can be set up on the card using the function Edit Relation.
A check mark in the field Has Filter indicates that there is a filter on the table. Filter can be edited using the function Edit Filter.
If you activate this checkbox, any changes for this table/fields in Anveo Web Portal will not be sent to Dynamics. Data will remain on the mobile device only. You can set this option on table or field level.
This option is a useful feature to speed-up synchronization if you have temporary data that is used on the mobile device only. Be aware it deactivates synchronization from Anveo Web Portal to Dynamics only. The other direction remains active.
Make sure to use this feature for temporary data only. If a record with same primary key is changed or inserted in Dynamics it will replace the record in Anveo Web Portal. If you do a reload or a reinitialization of local database, this data will be lost as well.
The field Change Status displays the current state of a table change when it was edited. Changes to synchronization packages are performed after activation.
Extensive changes to a table, such as changing the primary key of a table which is provided in a synchronization package, leads to complete retransmission of all data from this table when a mobile device requests synchronization. This ensures that the device receives the latest version of the data. It should be noted here that the synchronization of all data can take significantly longer than a plain transmission of changes since the last synchronization.
Using the function Select fields you can select the table fields that are to be transmitted in a synchronization package. On the page Synchr. Package Fields you can also use the function Add from Anveo Page to insert all fields to a table used in the selected Anveo Page. In this way you avoid missing fields in synchronization packages.
Fields that are used on Anveo Pages in the Anveo Web Portal and are not in synchronization packages are not displayed and lead to errors in the user interface and execution of Anveo Script.