System Requirements
Anveo Mobile App Components
Several components are required to run the Anveo Mobile App product as described in this documentation. These vary somewhat depending on the type of infrastructure, whether it is On Premises / Private Cloud or Microsoft Dynamics BC Online / Public Cloud.
The fastest and easiest option is to run Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online (1) with the Anveo Mobile App Cloud Service (A). However, we support many different other options and combinations of BC Online / Cloud and OnPremises installations.
Please have a closer look a the following overview:
Overview of infrastructure variants and available combinations
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Information for Anveo Partners
If at least one “managed” component A and/or 1 is used, a subscription license from Anveo IT Services GmbH is required. If all components are self-managed (except AzureSQL), buying or subscription licenses are available via conion media GmbH.
Microsoft Dynamics System Requirements
The Anveo Mobile App supports a very wide range of Microsoft Dynamics versions. Depending on the infrastructure, different Anveo components are required.
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online version 20 or higher
Please find more information for the BC Online version here. - Or: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central On Premises versions 13 or higher
- Or: Microsoft Dynamics NAV version 2009 R2 to 2018
It is our philosophy to support the latest Microsoft Dynamics as quickly as possible, as well as the widest possible range of versions of Microsoft Dynamics. However, we cannot guarantee support for future versions due to our dependency on Microsoft. See EULA for details.
System Requirements for On Premises / Private Cloud Installations
- On-Premises (means local installation) or in Private Cloud installation of Microsoft Dynamics (means a “Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure” or other hosted infrastructure that is managed by your company, by your Microsoft Partner or by a third-party provider that is not Microsoft)
- Normal Microsoft SQL-Server that supports your Microsoft Dynamics version (SQL Server 2012 and newer).
or: Azure SQL using an A2 or B2 installation (details see picture above) - Server 1: Windows Server 2012 or newer for Anveo Server with App Service with .NET Version 4.7.2 or higher. This is a frontend server and is used for communication between the Anveo Mobile App Client and Microsoft Dynamics. This server should be protected by a firewall, with only the necessary ports opened. The Delta Service should not be installed on this server.
- Server 2: Windows Server 2012 or newer for Anveo Server with Delta Service with .NET Version 4.7.2 or higher. The Delta Service replicates data from Microsoft Dynamics into a PostgreSQL database to perform delta synchronization. Only data changes are transmitted to the app. Because the Delta Service stores sensitive information, it should definitely be installed on a different server than the App Service and be completely protected by a firewall, making it inaccessible from the internet.
- On Windows Server for Microsoft Dynamics Web Service: Push messages requires TLS1.2 as the default TLS.
For security reasons, previous TLS versions are not supported. Please note: Please install the latest update for .NET via Windows Update, must be at least 3.5.1 - Internet line with fixed IP-adress
- Firewall with the ability to map specific data traffic direct from external to internal servers without the use of a “Proxy”.
Why doesn’t Anveo support proxies?
The Anveo Mobile App Service (App Server) itself acts as a security proxy and protects the Microsoft Dynamics Web Service. In various installations, we have observed that some proxies affect the communication and disrupt the established protocol, thus severely slowing down or eliminating communication. Whether a desired proxy can be used, is to be checked in individual cases by synchronization tests. - SSL certificate to encrypt data traffic
- Microsoft Entra ID Accounts or “NAVUserName/Password” (Anveo Mobile App Only) authentification. Other authentification methods like O365Authentification is not supported. “NAVUserName/Password” is not supported in Anveo Web Portal.
Anveo Server on your own Infrastructure (B and C)

1 Anveo Mobile App Extension
The Anveo Mobile App Extension or FOB file is available for download at the Anveo Partner Portal or will be installed/provided by the Microsoft Dynamics Partner.
2 Installation in Microsoft Dynamics
The Anveo Mobile App Extension (or FOB) is installed in Microsoft Dynamics. This is usually done by the supporting Microsoft Partner. The Microsoft Dynamics solution can either be installed locally or reside in a private cloud. For detailed system requirements, see the documentation. The infrastructure is usually operated entirely by the end customer. The end customer is therefore responsible for updates and data security.
You may also combine such a local Anveo Server installation with a Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC Online system (not shown in the graphic above).
3 License keys
The end customer obtains a license key from conion media GmbH via the Microsoft Dynamics Partner. The Microsoft Dynamics Partner is already or will become an Anveo Partner.
4 Anveo Server
The Anveo Server is installed on a local infrastructure or in a private cloud. This handles the data transfer between Microsoft Dynamics (2) and the Anveo Mobile App Client (6). This infrastructure is also operated entirely by the end customer. The end customer is therefore responsible for updates and data security.
5 Anveo Mobile App Client
In the App Store (from Apple), Google Play or Microsoft Store, conion media GmbH provides the Anveo Mobile App client for download free of charge. The client is able to work with multiple accounts and can be used both for live operation and in parallel for test systems and multi-user environments. In addition, it offers a demo app for easy testing without having to set up your own infrastructure with the Anveo Mobile App.
6 End user devices
The Anveo Mobile App Client is installed on the mobile end devices. The management of the end devices, especially in the area of updates and data security, is the responsibility of the end customer. For an organized planning of updates, we recommend the use of a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.
Use of the Anveo Mobile App Cloud Service (A1, A2, A3)

1 Anveo Mobile App Extension
The Anveo Mobile App Extension is installed directly into a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online environment via Microsoft App Source.
2 Installation in Microsoft Dynamics
The Anveo Mobile App extension is installed in Microsoft Dynamics. The Microsoft Dynamics solution is located in the Microsoft public cloud called “Business Central Online”. For detailed system requirements, see the documentation. The infrastructure is operated by Microsoft as a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. The end customer is responsible for any necessary updates to the BC Online environment when they are available from Microsoft.
You may also combine the use of the Anveo Mobile App Cloud Service with an OnPrem/Private Cloud Microsoft Dynamics system (not shown in the graphic above).
3 License keys
The end customer obtains a license key from Anveo IT Services GmbH via the Microsoft Dynamics Partner. The Microsoft Dynamics Partner is already or will become an Anveo Partner.
4 Anveo Mobile App Cloud Service
Anveo IT Services GmbH operates an infrastructure in the cloud as a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. This Anveo Mobile App Cloud Service handles the data transfer between Microsoft Dynamics (2) and the Anveo Mobile App Client (6). The service stores a copy of the necessary data from Microsoft Dynamics for synchronization with the Anveo Mobile App Client and calculates a delta package for each mobile user as quickly as possible, so that only data changes need to be transferred. This extremely accelerates the data exchange. This service is necessary and also acts as a proxy, providing another security mechanism to protect your Microsoft Dynamics system from the outside. What data is replicated to the Anveo Mobile App Cloud Service is defined in the setup at the table and field level, including flexible filters. Replication typically occurs at a regular interval and at the time of a mobile Anveo Mobile App user synchronization.
This infrastructure is operated by Anveo IT Services GmbH. It is responsible for updates and data security.
5 Anveo Mobile App Client
In the App Store (from Apple), Google Play or Microsoft Store, conion media GmbH provides the Anveo Mobile App client for download free of charge. This client is able to work with multiple accounts and can be used both for live operation and in parallel for test systems and multi-user environments. In addition, it offers a demo app for easy testing without having to set up your own infrastructure with the Anveo Mobile App.
6 End user devices
The Anveo Mobile App Client is installed on the mobile end devices. The management of the end devices, especially in the area of updates and data security, is the responsibility of the end customer. For an organized planning of updates, we recommend the use of a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.
Anveo License
The Anveo Client Suite requires a license. The available licensing options are available on our website.
Each Anveo license is bound 1:1 to a Microsoft Dynamics license.
Company Name Filter
To ensure proper use of the Anveo license, a company name filter is required in addition to the Microsoft Dynamics serial number. This filter must contain one or more meaningful company names such as CRONUS International Ltd. or “CRONUS*”. For test systems and development environments further company names can be activated like “TEST*|DEV*.
The license must contain all company names that synchronize data to the Anveo Mobile App. Companies that do not synchronize data are not relevant for license creation.
CRONUS International Ltd.
CRONUS International Ltd.|CRONUS AG
CRONUS*|Dev System
Your Company A|Your Company B|DEV*
This company name filter is new to Anveo Client Suite version 10. If you upgrade from a previous version, make sure to request a new Anveo license before upgrading. Please provide a list of company names you require in your installation.
If you are running Anveo Mobile App or Anveo Web Portal until version 9, the company name information in the Anveo license must be empty. If not, the license will be shown as “not valid”. If you require Anveo licenses for both versions, please contact Anveo Partner Care or Anveo Support
Even if the company filter is required, the Anveo Mobile App and Anveo Web Portal license is based on one database for live operation and one Microsoft Dynamics license. You may have one or more company names in your Anveo license without any extra costs. If you need to add more company names in the filter string, please contact your Microsoft Partner or Anveo Partner Care to receive an updated Anveo license.
Microsoft Dynamics License
Depending on the Dynamics version and the usage scenario, the proper licensing of Anveo Mobile App users for Microsoft Dynamics varies.
This overview is a non-binding interpretation of the Microsoft Licensing Guide. As Microsoft is the contractual partner here, only the official Microsoft Dynamics license guide provides binding information. Please contact your Dynamics partner for further details.
Microsoft Dynamics Licensing for Third-Party-Applications
Any third-party application that connects to Microsoft Dynamics (like Anveo) must follow the Microsoft Dynamics Licensing Guide. This also applies if the data is copied to a third-party system (like a separate Cloud service or database) and delivered from there to mobile users.
We have observed that some app solution providers are not familiar with this Microsoft licensing and claim that only one or even no Dynamics license is required for their solution. However, while a Dynamics license may not be technically necessary, such a license, regardless of how often the data is copied to another external Cloud system or database, would be legally necessary per the Microsoft guidelines.
User Types
Please have a closer look at the following two different types of user groups:
“External Users”
If the company operating Dynamics grants access to Dynamics for their customers who are using the Anveo Mobile App, then no additional Dynamics license is required.
For this purpose, an Anveo user is created in the Anveo Mobile App setup and marked as “External”. This means that no Entra ID user is associated with this Anveo user, as this does not exist for an external user.
“Internal Users”
Each Anveo User requires a “Full User”, “Limited User” or “Light User” depending on the Microsoft Dynamics version and depending on the usage scenario.
License Types by Dynamics Version
The required licensing for “Internal Users” depends on the Dynamics version:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Anveo requires a “Full User” for reading and writing data from and to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. These licenses are based on a “named user” basis like Anveo licenses: Each user that gets access requires a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central license.
Anveo Sales App and Anveo Delivery App require an “Essential License”. The Anveo Service App requires the Dynamics Service Module which is included in the “Premium License”.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 to 2018
Anveo requires a “Full User” or “Limited User” depending on the data that will be written back from the app to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. These licenses are based on “concurrency”. The number of users accessing the system at the same time (“concurrent”) plus a certain time of inactivity are required. “Full User” requires 2 hours of inactivity after the last action, a “Limited User” requires 15 minutes.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2, a “Light User” or the “External Connector” is required depending on the usage scenario.
Other Licenses
Beside a proper Microsoft Dynamics Licensing, other software licenses may be required for the infrastructure like for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Windows Server. Please consult the official software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics for more details.
Binding information regarding Microsoft Dynamics or other Microsoft software licensing requirements is only available from Microsoft or your Microsoft Partner. Anveo is neither responsible for correctness of this information nor for proper licensing at your system.
Mobile Devices Requirements
The Anveo Mobile App Client runs on the following mobile operating systems:
- Android version 10.0 and up using the Google Play for installation
(version 9 was supported until March 2024 with the latest Anveo Mobile App Classic version; Android versions 7 and 8 were supported until May 2023. Versions 5 to 6 were supported until May 2021. Version 4.4 was supported until February 2020) - iOS (iPad and iPhone) version 15.4 and up using App Store for installation.
Limited support for versions 12 to 15.3: an installation of the app is possible. However, the app is neither tested by our developers nor can we reproduce and solve potential issues, as Apple no longer provides test images. - Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Windows 11 using the Microsoft Store for installation.
Windows 8 is not supported. A connection via VPN is not supported when using the Windows App.
The following operating systems are not supported:
- Microsoft Windows smart phones
- Microsoft Windows CE
- All other OS not mentioned in the list above
Compatibility Testing
Due to the large number of software and hardware combinations, we are unfortunately unable to give any explicit soft- and hardware recommendations. The desired configuration can be tested free of charge through the Anveo Mobile App in Google Play, App Store or Microsoft Store. Please download the app and test it with the desired devices. If you are using the Anveo Web Portal, we provide free demo accounts for testing.
In addition, we cannot give an exact recommendation for the performance, because the Anveo solutions are very different and therefore place very different demands on the devices. Some Anveo Mobile App solutions require very little memory and CPU capacity, while others require very current and fast devices.
In general, a preliminary test must also be carried out here. We have observed that the speed of the CPU is the decisive factor for a better performance, less the memory.