Install Anveo Sales App
This installation describes the Anveo Sales App installation in the current version for Business Central Online and for OnPrem installation of type “Anveo AB”. The overview of different types of Anveo installations is available on the manual page System Requirements.
If you have downloaded the Anveo Sales app from the Store, you should receive the following wizard after successfully setting up the Anveo Mobile Cloud Service or Anveo Server.

If a setup for the Anveo Sales App already exists, this will be noticed automatically. You can of course overwrite the setup. However, all settings and configurations already made will be lost.

After confirming the installation, you can select a Dynamics user for whom the setup of the Anveo Sales App should be performed.

After that, please select the salesperson code to which you want to restrict the data to be transferred:

The selection of all salesperson stored in Microsoft Dynamics appears.
After selecting a salesperson, you will immediately receive feedback as to whether there is any meaningful data available for them, such as quotes, orders, etc.

After re-selecting a salesperson with stored data, you will receive the following message:

The next step is to download and fully set up the Anveo Sales App automatically.

Finally, you will receive all the data you need to log in to the Anveo App: server name (your specified Anveo instance, username and password):

You can enter these data directly in the Anveo App: