Local Demo System Installation with Anveo Mobile App for Windows
If you install Anveo Mobile App on Windows for a presentation system, you will usually install all components like Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft SQL Server and Anveo Mobile App for Windows on one machine.
For security reasons, an app in Microsoft Windows will not have access to any localhost addresses, including the local Anveo Mobile App installation. This will result in an error not being able to connect to Anveo Server.
Activate Access to Local Machine
The app must be able to connect to the localhost environment. You can enable this feature by using the WindowsLoopbackManager.
Download WindowsLoopbackManager here.
Just look for Anveo in the Apps list, enable the checkbox “Exempt” and press save.

Legal Notice: This is a third-party software, not provided or supported by Anveo. You may use this software at your own risk. Anveo is not responsible for any copyright or legal issues.