Anveo Web Portal / Creating the User Interface

Creating the User Interface

Anveo Pages form the foundation and basic framework for working with the multiple clients. Anveo Pages are equivalent to single windows in the application, depict the data from Dynamics, and make them accessible for editing by client users. The setup of a Anveo Page, its installation and the diverse setting options that the Anveo Client Suite provides for a Anveo Page are being addressed in this chapter. Each Anveo Page consists of Anveo Page Elements, that enables different layouts in Anveo Web Portal and Anveo Mobile App.

An Anveo Page is saved within tables in Dynamics and has nothing to do with Pages for the Windows Client (RTC). For the operation of Anveo clients, it is not necessary create or modify Dynamics  Pages. The Anveo Pages are an entirely separate construct for storing the data and allow a flexible arrangement of the user interface.

In addition to the Anveo Pages, menus form another important core element of the operation of the client. Usings menus you can reach installed Anveo Pages, or call functions that you have defined as C/AL code or as Anveo Script in the Anveo Client Suite. 

Customize your Application in Dynamics

All configurations and adjustments of the client’s user interface can be carried out both in the Classic Client, in the Role Tailored Client and the Windows Client from Dynamics. Using specially created forms and pages for this purpose are part of the Anveo Client Suite, design and function of Anveo Pages and menus according to users’ needs can be customized.