Anveo Page Elements
Anveo Page Elements define the depiction of an Anveo Page in the Anveo Mobile App. An Anveo Page Element has the following properties:
The field Table No. corresponds to a number of a Dynamics table.
Element Type
The Element Type defines whether the Anveo Page Element deals with the layout of a card or a list and for which clients the Anveo Page is designed.
For the Anveo Mobile App only Anveo Pages of
Element Type Mobile App – Card or Mobile App – List will be available.
The marker Visible can be used to temporarily hide an Anveo Page Element, for instance when the element has not been conclusively installed yet at the time of publication.
With the Readonly marker you can indicate whether the Anveo Page Element is supposed to be protected against changes.
If this write protection is enabled on an Anveo Page Element, no changes can be carried out on the fields displayed.
Whether the Anveo User is able to save the data on his device depends on the access rights which have been set up for the Anveo Page and the table.
Defines what mode the Anveo Page will be in when opened. You can select inbetween View and Edit.
A Read-only write protection on the field level means that this field cannot be modified, independent of whether the page has been unblocked afterward by implementing a function.
Additional Properties of Anveo Page Elements
If you select an Anveo Page Element on the setup card of an Anveo Page and click on Additional Properties, you receive the following configuration options:
Double Click Action/Direct Link
On the tab Double Click Action/Direct Link you can specify if you want to open another Anveo Page or perform an action on double clicking.
Open Anveo Page
If you want to open an Anveo Page, type in the field
Open Anveo Page the code of the Anveo Page you want to open.
The entered Anveo Page needs for the corresponding client at least one Anveo Page Element. Otherwise the Anveo Page can not be found and therefore not opened in the client.
The double click is only possible on lists in the Anveo Mobile App with activated write protection. In Anveo Mobile App an arrow at the right edge of the current line indicates the possibility for a direct link.
Within the Anveo Mobile App the action code OPENLINEMENU() opens the line menu for a record
Normally the relationship between the current Anveo Page and the one to be opened is created automatically via the global setup in the Anveo Page Table-Field Relation of the Anveo Client Suite. If a deviating relationship exists between the two or a relationship that cannot be depicted via simple field relations, a code can be indicated in the Custom TableRelation field that specifies this relation defined in C/AL code or via Anveo Script (see here).
If you want to execute some other desired action via double click, enter the code for the action that you have programmed via C/AL code or Anveo Script into the field Action Code.
If an Anveo Page or an Action Code becomes available the first time for an Anveo User in Anveo Mobile App, you have to publish your Anveo Page. This ensures Anveo only sends the required Anveo Pages and Action Codes to the mobile device. This speeds up synchronization process. After synchronization, new Anveo Pages and/or Action Codes are available on the mobile device. Since version 4.13, it is not required to manually create SQL scripts any more. This is now done automatically.
Behavior Tab
In the Behavior Tab you can define the behavior of the Anveo Page to specific events, as well as preferences for the appearance.
The Anveo Mobile App writes each record change immediately into the local database on the device. Therefor no setup regarding write behavior is necessary. This means that the field values of all primary key fields already have to be known during the first write operation or must be initialized with default values.
In the field Paging Counter per Page you can specify the maximum number of records that are supposed to be depicted on one Anveo Page Element type list. At a value of 0 the setting is adopted by the setup. It is fundamentally recommended to set this value so that only the exact number of records are displayed that the Anveo Page height in the client allows. This increases both the loading speed and the display speed in the Anveo Mobile App. The Anveo Mobile App shows all records, because all records are saved locally on the device.
Sorting Tab
In the Sorting Tab you can choose a key of a table and set the sorting on an Anveo Page.
Here you can select the Key of the table how the data on the Anveo Page will be sorted.
Here you can select the sort order. Possible options are ascending and descending.
Mobile Tab
The Mobile Tab contains properties, that are needed in the Anveo Mobile App.
A check mark in the field Table Layout sets the depiction of a list into table layout. If this propery is set to false, the fields will be shown in tiles – either in one line or multiple lines.
In the field Width the width of a list in Anveo Mobile App is set. On all other user interfaces that does not allow any changes in size, the Anveo Page will use all available space on the screen. If no sizes have been entered, the standard value from the settings is adopted.
This field sets an Action Code that is run for each record. A typical usage scenario is a dynamic layout definition based on your current record using Anveo Script (see here).
Short Press Tab
In the Short Press Tab you can define the behavior of an Anveo Page in Anveo Mobile App when a list entry is pressed shortly.
If you want to execute an arbitrary action after a short press, enter the code of that action into the field Short Press Action you have programmed via Anveo Script in the Anveo Mobile App.
If you want to open an Anveo Page after a short press, enter the code of that Anveo Page into the field Short Press Anveo Page Code.
Normally the relationship between the current Anveo Page and the one to be opened is created automatically via the global setup in the Short Press Custom Table Relation of the Anveo Page Table-Field Relation of the Anveo Client Suite. If a deviating relationship exists between the two or a relationship that cannot be depicted via simple field relations, a code can be indicated in the Short Press Custom Table Relation field that specifies this relation defined in Anveo Script (see here.)
Long Press Tab
In the Long Press Tab you can define the behavior of an Anveo Page in the Anveo Mobile App when a list entry is pressed long.
If you want to execute an arbitrary action after a long press, enter the code of that action into the field Long Press Actionyou have programmed via Anveo Script in the Anveo Mobile App.
If you want to open an Anveo Page after a long press, enter the code of that Anveo Page into the field Long Press Open Anveo Page.
Normally the relationship between the current Anveo Page and the one to be opened is created automatically via the global setup in the Long Press Custom Table Relation of the . If a deviating relationship exists between the two or a relationship that cannot be depicted via simple field relations, a code can be indicated in the Long Press Custom Table Relation field that specifies this relation defined in Anveo Script (see here).
If an Anveo Page or an Action Code becomes available the first time for an Anveo User in Anveo Mobile App, you have to publish your Anveo Page. This ensures Anveo only sends the required Anveo Pages and Action Codes to the mobile device. This speeds up synchronization process. After synchronization, new Anveo Pages and/or Action Codes are available on the mobile device. Since version 4.13, it is not required to manually create SQL scripts any more. This is now done automatically.