Anveo Pages
An Anveo Page is used to define data sources from Dynamics tables. These table data are depicted by means of Anveo Page Elements, of which fundamentally two different kinds exist: cards and lists. Cards are used to show one record, and lists show several records simultaneously. An Anveo Page Element of type card can occur only once per Anveo Page, while on the other hand lists can occur within the Anveo Mobile App multiple times. The image below shows a mobile Anveo Page with of type list and card. For each card and list there are corresponding subtypes for the Anveo Mobile App, which are described in Anveo Page Elements.

Anveo Mobile App: type list on a smart phone (left) and type card on a tablet PC (right)
On the next level, the tab exists for the type of card, each of which depicts an aggregation of fields. On card in the Anveo Mobile App you can use groups in additon to tabs to depict fields more clearly.