Anveo Web Portal / Creating the User Interface / Create a new Anveo Page

Create a new Anveo Page

To create a new Anveo Page, go to the list of Anveo Pages and press new.
On the list of all Anveo Pages you can see the following properties:


The field Code is the technical identifier of the Anveo Page and is going to be required for the internal cross-linking. This identifier must be clear-cut.


The Description is the title of the Anveo Page insofar as multilingualism is not being maintained for this description.


This property indicates whether the Anveo Page can be used by end users in Anveo Client (set to yes), or whether it can be modified (set to no). Begin your modification with unpublishing your Anveo Page first. After making your changes, publish your Anveo Page at the end.

The Published marker displays whether the Anveo Page is currently available in the client.

A published Anveo Page cannot be modified – the publication must first be withdrawn for the time being to do this.

Anveo Page development should not be done in a live system. Set-up a separate development system, add/change your Anveo Pages there, and after successful testing, transfer your Anveo Pages (plus additional Anveo settings if required) from development to live system via xml document.

Linked from Main Menus

In the column Linked from Main Menus you can see in how many main menus the current Anveo Page is used. By clicking on the assist-edit-button […] you can see, which main menus the current Anveo Page is shown. In this way you can understand whether your Anveo Page can be reached directly through a main menu. Adding Anveo Pages into a main menu is explained in .


The Status is a help for your development progress; You can decide on which state in development the current Anveo Page is. This state has no effects on the depiction or function within the user interface.


To prevent simultaneous editing of non published Anveo Pages, you can lock the Anveo Page. If the Anveo Page is locked, the locked flag is set and in field Locked by is the user having the lock. Locks can be set automatically or manually.


You have the option to add notes to a Anveo Page or detailed descriptions in the column Comment. These comments are purely for your organization and are not displayed in the user interface.

Publication should first occur only at the very end of the setup phase when all areas have been fully filled out. A consistency check takes place thereby so that no erroneous or incomplete Anveo Page can be displayed. Viewing the new Anveo Page in the browser via Anveo Web Portal for example can be activated without reloading the browser because the web clients automatically recognize the new Anveo Page or a change made to an existing Anveo Page. The browser must reload the page’s content only when a change is made to an entry in the main menu – logging out and in is not necessary.

With the im- and export actions from the menu you can im- and export Anveo Pages as XML-file. Hereby you can transport your configured Anveo Pages into other Dynamics databases without having to recreate them on the target system. If you try to import a Anveo Page that already exists in the system, the published marker of the Anveo Page is removed, the page will be deleted and replaced by the Anveo Page defined the XML file. A typical application of this is the transferral of new developments from the test to live systems.