Fields And Buttons

With a click on the menu item Fields button, a new window opens that makes it possible to set up the tabs and fields for an Anveo Page Element.

Anveo Page Elements of type card can have tabs. Tabs in the Anveo Mobile App are displayed side by side and can be reached by “swiping” the screen horizontally, as common on mobile devices.

Fields on a Anveo Page define placeholders which can be filled with data from Dynamics. A field can be also used as a button and can execute an action by clicking it. If you want to show data that is not saved in tables of Dynamics (e.g. variables or results of C/AL functions), you can use virtual tables and virtual fields here

Fields have the following attributes and possible settings:


A field on a Anveo Page defines placeholders which can have different types. In the field Type you can set the type of the field, which can have the following values:


Depicts the data of a field from Dynamics.


Defines the field as a button, that can execute an action.


Use grouping to rearrange fields on a card in the Anveo Mobile App.

Field No.

The Field No. corresponds to the field number in the Dynamics table and can be selected from the existing fields via a lookup. FlowFields are available here too and are computed automatically. 


The Description is adopted into Dynamics, including the translations from the table captions. This way it is not mandatory to perform the extra work of entering all the descriptions with their accompanying translations again for the . If desired, you can adapt the field descriptions and translations manually at any time via the Assist Edit button […].

 Link with Previous Field

In the field Link with Previous Field you can define whether the current field is supposed to be linked with the previous field or not. For example, you can link a City field with the previous Post Code field since they have a direct correlation to each other. In addition, you can link the buttons with fields so that buttons appear in the field. 

The Link with Previous Field flag can also be used in lists. If the linked field is shown in the Edit View you can define f.e. drop downs from there.

 Sorting allowed

Setting a check mark in the field Sorting allowed means that the user of a client can sort records based on that field in the user interface. 

Filter enabled

Setting a check mark in the field Filter allowed means that the user of a client can set a filter on that field in the user interface.

To be able to sort or filter data efficiently on a field, the table in Dynamics or the SQL database requires a key or an index on that field. As a result, sorting is possible only on the kinds of columns that fulfill these prerequisites.


In the field Readonly you can specify whether the data in the field can be overwritten in the client or not. 


Visibility indicates whether the field is supposed to be visible on the Anveo Page in the client.

In the Anveo Mobile App the option Hidden per default means that the field is technically available and can be made visible by Anveo Script. These fields can be marked for filter or sorting options without showing values on the list. Hidden fields are considered to be non-existent and cannot be made visible either by the user or by Anveo Script.

Font Size %

In the field Font Size % you can set the font size in percent. An empty value is equal to 100 %. 


A check mark in the field Bold ensures that the font is displayed in bold.

Linebreak after field

A check mark in the field Linebreak after field adds a line break after a field in lists without table layout.

Add Caption

A check mark in the field Add Caption ensures that the caption of the is displayed.


The field Width sets the width of a field. On lists the width corresponds to an absolute value. 

On cards in the Anveo Mobile App the width corresponds to a weighting of the total available width. For example, if three fields placed on one line (the last two fields have the check mark Link with Previous Field set) and they have the widths of 1, 2 and 2, then the first field takes 1/5 and the last two fields take each 2/5 of the available space.

Editable List Support

Show in Edit View

Defines if the field can be selected to be shown in the Edit View. The Edit View is a bar in iOS and Android that is shown above the keyboard. In Windows the Edit View is on the right side of the Page.

A field can be selected to be shown in Edit View independent of being editable or not.

Do not select content on focus

Defines if the field content is selected for fast editing when the field gets focus.

Next fieldname on enter

Defines what field will select focus after pressing enter. This setup will be disregarded if a Script on enter is set.

Script on enter

Defines a script that will be performed, when pressing enter in the field. Several attributes can be set in this script such as Enabled and EditViewVisible.

If the Script on enter is filled the value set in Next fieldname on enter will be disregarded. If the focus should be set to a different field upon pressing enter this field needs to be defined within the script.

Modifications of the record and changes of the record in the Script on enter will be performed as two seperate transactions. All changes done to the record in the Script on enter will be performed after the MODIFY.

Further properties are placed in different tabs.


The tab General contains the following fields:

Decimal Precision Edit

Using the field Decimal Precision Edit you can define the number of digits following the decimal point when the decimal value is being edited. The setup is analogous to the setup of the field .


The tab Advanced contains the following fields:

Field Layout

The Field Layout specifies how the field is supposed to be depicted in the client. The depiction depends on the field’s data type and allows additional comfortable typing aids such as a calendar in a date field. In code fields with relations, the type Linked DropDown is indicated instead of Text Field. The existence of the relation is automatically detected when choosing the field. However, the data type can be changed here to Text Field when no drop-down is supposed to be offered.
In the Anveo Mobile App are additional field layouts you can choose from, such as Picture (shows a picture), Phone (field depicts a phone number), Barcode (allows scanning) and URL. Each of the selected layout shows automatically a button with a link next to it, without having to define a button with action code separately.

Field Name

The Field Name is the internal, unique identifier of the field on a Anveo Page that is automatically determined by the Anveo Client Suite. This value can be used for programming can or changing the user interface dynamically.


In the tab Button are all fields for the definition of a button:

Button Icon

In the field Button Icon you can define the icon of the button.

Button Linked Anveo Page

If you want to open an Anveo Page by clicking the button, type in the code of that Anveo Page into the field Button Linked Anveo Page.

Button Custom Table Relation

Normally the relationship between the current Anveo Page and the one to be opened is created automatically via the global setup in the Anveo Page Table-Field Relation of the Anveo Client Suite. If a deviating relationship exists between the two or a relationship that cannot be depicted via simple field relations, a code can be indicated in the Button Custom Table Relation field that specifies this relation defined in C/AL code or via Anveo Script (see ).

Button Action Code

If you want to execute some other desired action by clicking the button, enter the code for the action that you have programmed via C/AL code or Anveo Script into the field Button Action Code.


In the tab Colors you can overwrite the default colors of the client and set own colors for the description, background and font. All colors have to be specified as a six-digit hexadecimal number (e.g. #FF0000 for red).

Label Color

In the field Label Color you can define the color of the description.

Field Font Color

In the field Field Font Color you can define the color of the font in the field.

Field Background Color

In the field Field Background Color you can define the color of the field background.

Button Background Color

In the field Button Background Color you can define the background color of a button.

Button Icon Color

In the field Button Icon Color you can define the color of the button’s icon.


The tab Image contains all fields for images in the Anveo Mobile App (fields with field layout Picture):

Image Max Width

In the field Image Max Width you define the maximum width of the picture. The unit of the maximum width is specified in dips (= Device Independent Pixel = resolution independent width).

Image Max Height

In the field Image Max Height you define the maximum height of the picture. The unit of the maximum height is specified in dips.