
There are three types of menus in Anveo Client Suite: Menus in Anveo Pages Main Menus and Menu Templates. All of these types of menus mainly have the same properties, except that menu templates cannot be invoked directly. In addition, the properties of menus in Anveo Pages are specially addressed below.

You can create a new main menu from the Main Menus page in the setup of the Anveo Client Suite in Dynamics.


Identifier of the Main Menu.


Defines if the entry is of type Main Menu or Menu Template.

Menu Type

The Menu Type should be set to Anveo Web Portal.

Width, Height

Defines the dimension of the Main Menu..

Open Anveo Page on Login

Define the Anveo Page that you want to open upon logging in.

Anveo Page Custom Table Relation

If your Anveo Page needs an custom web page relation, you can enter an Anveo Page relation code into this field (see here).

You can add menu items or edit existing menu items with one click on the Edit button. You can export or import menus as an XML file via the functions Export selected main menus and Import main menus. If you want to import a menu and that menu already exists, the menu will not be overwritten.

Page Element Menu

Each Main Menu consist of multiple Menu Elements defining how the tiles on the menu will look like. The tiles have the following attributes:


Text shown on tile. The text can be setup in multiple languages via the […] button.

Linked Anveo Page

Defines a Page that will be accessed when pressing the tile.

Action Code

Defines an Action that will be performed when pressing the tile.

If neither Linked Anveo Page nor Action Code are defined the Menu Element will be displayed as a headline.

Icon Description

Defines what icon is displayed on the tile (read more about icons here).

Fill Fit Color

If checked, the icon won’t have a framing.

Icon Color

If the icon may be colored, the color can be defined here.

Text Color

Definition of text color on the tile.

Background Color

Definition of the color of the tile.

Via the functions Up, Down, Left and Right you can set the order and the indentation of the menu items.

Changes made to the main menu are not visible in the client until the session has been restarted (for example, by reloading the website in the browser) or synchronization in the Anveo Web Portal.

Menu items without a linked Anveo Page, a customtable relation or a function code are not visible in the client. The same applies for menu items which refer to unpublished Anveo Pages or to Anveo Pages for which you do not have sufficient rights (find more information about access rights here).

If you leave the description of the menu item blank and indicate a linked Anveo Page, the description of the Anveo Page together with all translations is inherited to the menu item automatically.

Menu Templates

In addition to creating individual entries within a menu you can create a template for menus and insert it into Anveo Pages. This way you save time and do not have to recreate menus you use frequently in Anveo Pages. You also have the possibility to use a menu template within a menu template so that you can set it up faster, although you cannot do this using templates with the same code.

You can edit all menu templates within the main menu in Dynamics via the page Menu Templates. You can also export or import menu templates as an XML file via the page. If you want to import a menu template and that template already exists, it will not be overwritten.

Unlike main menus, menus on Anveo Pages have the properties Close Anveo Page after action and Line choice required.

Close Anveo Page after action

If activated the current Anveo Page from which the menu element was activated will be closed after the linked action is completed. This makes sense, for instance when posting sales orders, because the orders are no longer present there once the posting procedure has been completed.

Line choice required

Forces the user to choose an element on a list of Anveo Page Elements to enable the user to proceed. This is necessary for example to delete lines.