Table Relations

Anveo Page Table-Field Relation-setup defines default relations (data filters) between linked Anveo Pages. Which combination of source table/field refers to which combination of destination table/field is defined in four columns. This setup is a global setting. Unlike the Dynamics Client, it does not have to be set up again for each Anveo Page relation. It is a default value that can be overwritten by a or by using C/AL code or Anveo Script if other relations are required in some cases.

Anveo Client Suite provides three different types of relations:

Option 1: Global Definition as Default Value

These table relations apply globally for all Anveo Pages in . If you define filters in default table relations, these filters will be used everywhere. This helps you setting up basic relations just once without the need to define it again and again for each Anveo Page link.
This definition can be used to set-up simple relations from multiple fields from source to destination table including additional static filters.

Example: Relation between customer to customer ledger entry filters customer number only.

Option 2: Individual Relations

In some cases different relations might be required. This is done by setting up a Relation Code and define your relation in Anveo Page Table-Field Relation with your Relation Code. Use this relation code in your Anveo Page links.

Example Relation Code CUST:CLE[OPEN]: The link between tables customer and customer ledger entry only shows open entries. Beside a filter on customer no., field Open is filtered to true (= 1) as well.

Option 3: Individual Relations for Complex or Flexible Filters

First two options only allow simple relations between two tables (and multiple fields), but always using a field value as a filter or using fixed filter values.
It is neither possible to use complex filters having multiple tables involved, nor can you have flexible filters with dynamic data like a filter based on current date (like Due Date <= TODAY). This can be done by using C/AL code or Anveo Script.

For Anveo Web Portal see

Set-up of Anveo Page Table-Field-Relations

This set-up is required for options 1 and 2. There are three different types of table relations:


Describes a general table relation that is necessary to link Anveo Pages correctly. This relation is used during each reading access.

OnInsert Relation

Described in this relation is which fields in the destination table are supposed to be filled with data from the source table or with constant values when a new entry is supposed to be created in the destination table by means of the function NEW_RECORD() of Anveo Client Suite.
Example: If a new sales order is supposed to be able to be created from the customer card, a table relation of this type can be established to already fill in the customer number in the new sales order, for example in the field Sell-to Customer No. In this example, the source table would be Customer and the destination table Sales Header. The possibility also exists to set up consecutive numbering in the field Constant. For instance, the value “+10000” means that the value 10000 is supposed to be added on to the last entry in the field (only Anveo Web Portal). This can be used when creating sales lines, for example.

In the Anveo Web Portal new records must be created by Anveo Script before the card can be opened for editing.

Dropdown Field Relation

The indication of a Relation type of table relation is sufficient to enable dropdowns in individual fields on the Anveo Page. A Dropdown Field Relation type of table relation gives the added option to define filters within the dropdowns. For instance, in the field Ship-to Code in the Sales Header it can be defined that only a customer’s shipping address is displayed in the dropdown, and not all the addresses deposited in the system for that customer.