Adding Checklists to Anveo Managed/Anveo Unmanaged Version
The base module is part of the Anveo Mobile App from release In the ” Version apps are divided by . Therfore checklists have to be added individually to each . To be...
The base module is part of the Anveo Mobile App from release In the ” Version apps are divided by . Therfore checklists have to be added individually to each . To be...
To add the module to you you need the checklist objects and an XML file to receive the checklist data. To receive the objects please contact our support team. When you have the objects...
Print a barcode on the PDF at the current position. PDFBarcode(string BarcodeText, string BarcodeType);Example://Capital letters and numbers onlyPDFBarcode(‘TEST1′,’PdfCode128ABarcode’);//Small and capital lettersPDFBarcode(‘Test 1′,’PdfCode128BBarcode’);//EAN13PDFBarcode(‘001234567890 ‘,’PdfEan13Barcode’); Supported Barcode types are:
Prints an image to current coordinates. Set maxium width and height of your image in current unit (default is milimeters). PDFImage(string ImageContent, int MaxWidth, int MaxHeight);Example:local CI = Record(‘Company Information’);CI:FINDFIRST();PDFImage(CI:GETVALUE(‘Picture’),40,20);
Set the horizontal text alignment based on the current position. The following options are available: PDFSetHAlign(string newHorizontalAlignment);Example:PDFSetHAlign(‘Right’); Set the vertical text alignment based on the current position. The following options are available: PDFSetVAlign(string newVerticalAlignment);Example:PDFSetHAlign(‘Bottom’);
Use this command to assign a new color using an RGB value. PDFSetColor(int red, int green, int blue);Example:PDFSetColor(200, 0, 0);
Set a new font or font style to write to the PDF. PDFSetFont(string FontName, int Size);Example:PDFSetFont(‘Helvetica’, 10); Use the following functions to set the default fonts defined in library LIB_PDF: PDFSetDefaultFont();PDFSetTitleFont();PDFSetHeaderFont();PDFSetFooterFont();PDFSetAddressFont(); Available fonts are:
Write a text with current font and font style to current coordinates. A line-feed is done automatically based on current text height. PDFWrite(string Text);Example:PDFWrite(‘Hello world.’); If you need to print a table using pre-defined...
Set new coordinates for text / image creation on PDF. Coordinates are measured in milimeters by default. PDFSetXY(int newX, int newY);Example:PDFSetXY(20,50);
Use this command to adds new page to the current PDF document defining size and orientation. The following otpions are available: PDFAddPage(string PaperSize, string Orientation);Example:PDFAddPage(‘A4′,’portrait’);