Category: Anveo Mobile App


Print a barcode on the PDF at the current position. PDFBarcode(string BarcodeText, string BarcodeType);Example://Capital letters and numbers onlyPDFBarcode(‘TEST1′,’PdfCode128ABarcode’);//Small and capital lettersPDFBarcode(‘Test 1′,’PdfCode128BBarcode’);//EAN13PDFBarcode(‘001234567890 ‘,’PdfEan13Barcode’); Supported Barcode types are:


Prints an image to current coordinates. Set maxium width and height of your image in current unit (default is milimeters). PDFImage(string ImageContent, int MaxWidth, int MaxHeight);Example:local CI = Record(‘Company Information’);CI:FINDFIRST();PDFImage(CI:GETVALUE(‘Picture’),40,20);


Set the horizontal text alignment based on the current position. The following options are available: PDFSetHAlign(string newHorizontalAlignment);Example:PDFSetHAlign(‘Right’); Set the vertical text alignment based on the current position. The following options are available: PDFSetVAlign(string newVerticalAlignment);Example:PDFSetHAlign(‘Bottom’);


Use this command to assign a new color using an RGB value. PDFSetColor(int red, int green, int blue);Example:PDFSetColor(200, 0, 0);


Set a new font or font style to write to the PDF. PDFSetFont(string FontName, int Size);Example:PDFSetFont(‘Helvetica’, 10); Use the following functions to set the default fonts defined in library LIB_PDF: PDFSetDefaultFont();PDFSetTitleFont();PDFSetHeaderFont();PDFSetFooterFont();PDFSetAddressFont(); Available fonts are:


Write a text with current font and font style to current coordinates. A line-feed is done automatically based on current text height. PDFWrite(string Text);Example:PDFWrite(‘Hello world.’); If you need to print a table using pre-defined...


Set new coordinates for text / image creation on PDF. Coordinates are measured in milimeters by default. PDFSetXY(int newX, int newY);Example:PDFSetXY(20,50);


Use this command to adds new page to the current PDF document defining size and orientation. The following otpions are available: PDFAddPage(string PaperSize, string Orientation);Example:PDFAddPage(‘A4′,’portrait’);