Anveo Mobile App / Beste praktijken / Porten van de Anveo Mobile App van Anveo Legacy naar een Universele Code Ready versie
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Porten van de Anveo Mobile App van Anveo Legacy naar een Universele Code Ready versie

This section describes how an existing Anveo Mobile App configuration can be ported from a Anveo Legacy to an AB-infrastructure. For further information about how these infrastructure types are defined see the Anveo system requirement page.

When porting the Anveo Mobile App all devices will be reiintialized.


Export of Anveo Data from Anveo Legacy system

Perform a full export of the Anveo Data from your Anveo Legacy system excluding the Anveo Mobile App setup.

Custom Fields and Tables

All tables and fields that are used by the Anveo Mobile App configuration on the Anveo Legacy system have to exist on the new infrastructure. If fields and tables have changed manual adaptations after the App import are necessary.

App Events Codeunit

In some cases your existing App Events Codeunit needs to be ported. This is the case if:

  • the codeunit is still in FOB-format
  • the codeunit is already an extension but does not comply with the current format of the App Events

You can find the standard version of our App Events codeunit on our OneDrive folder.

If you decide to replace your existing App Events codeunit by the Standard App Event codunit you will have to perform the following changes:

  • Remove code that is labeled as not being compliant with your BC version
  • Rename the LOG-file prefix to an identifier for your app

If the Anveo App Event codeunit has been adapted the new Anveo App Events has to be extended by these adaptations. If you have decided to build your own Anveo App Event codeunit you have to recreate or replace this codeunit.

Data migration via database copy

If your are planing to migrate doing a SQL database copy of your Anveo Legacy environement you will need to perform the following steps on the database copy:

  • Uninstall the old delta server elements using this guide for deinstallation.
  • Uninstall the old Anveo Client suite extension/objects and clear the extension data. This will delete all the Anveo Mobile App data in your system. You will reimport the Anveo Mobile App data using the export generated before

Install Anveo Mobile App on new infrastructure

Install the Anveo Mobile App from the App Source if you are working in a BC Online environment or via the objects provided on our OneDrive-folder. Afterwards execute Anveo Mobile App Setup Wizard as described here.

Import Anveo Data to new infrastructure

Import the Anveo Data exported from the Anveo Legacy system to the new infrastructure.

Check Anveo Mobile App Table Triggers:
After importing the Anveo Mobile App data into the new system, it is advisable to check the Anveo Mobile App Tables Trigger table.
In this table, it is possible that fields which should be empty (most commonly seen in the Virtual Table Name and Virtual Field Name fields) are filled with multiple spaces. The spaces need to be removed from all fields.

This is a known issue and we are working on fixing it.

Setup Anveo Mobile App on new infrastructure

Activate synchronization packages and delta service setup

Setup Anveo Users

Anveo users already exist due to the data import. Since the web service access key cannot be transferred to the new delta server, for OnPrem BC systems, the web service access key needs to be reset for each Anveo user. For BC Online systems, this step is automated.

After activation of the synchronisation packages you will have to replicate all Anveo users and update all delta scripts.

This concludes the porting process.

Trouble Shooting

Fields have changed

If a field name changes you have to look for every occurence of this field in the synchronization packages, table triggers, Anveo Pages, Action Codes, App events and table relations and change the field there.

Issues when inserting a record

Due to a behavioral change when performing inserts we recomend to set all primary keys before performing an insert of a record and only then updating non-primary key fields.


After porting there needs to be a full test of all mobile processes. You should pay special regards to records being created on the app to test, if the App Events codeunit has been ported correctly.

Feel free to contact our support, if you run into issues with porting your app.